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scale, with 0.5 band incremen

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Scoring is between 0 (Minimum) & 9 (Maximum) with 0.5 band increment. Four scores are reported on the IELTS™: Reading score reported on a 0-9 band scale, with 0.5 band increment, Listening score reported on a 0-9 band scale, with 0.5 band increment Writing score reported on a 0-9 band scale, with 0.5 band increment, Speaking score reported on a 0-9 band scale, with 0.5 band increment The International English language Testing System, or IELTS™, as it is popularly called, is an English Language proficiency test that is required to be taken by non-native students so as to study in countries where the medium of instruction is English. IELTS™ is accepted by Universities in UK, New Zealand and Canada. It has become a mandatory test for study in Australia. . The IELTS™ tests all four language skills that are important for effective communication: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. 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2019-11-09 03:29:11 UTC
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williame Hassan
2019-11-09 03:30:06 UTC
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williame Hassan
2019-11-09 03:30:58 UTC
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williame Hassan
2019-11-09 03:31:36 UTC
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