ANN: Dialog Workshop .NET 3.0 - Extending Common Dialogs is easy
(too old to reply)
Alex Petrov
2010-05-02 14:13:35 UTC
Create your own customized Windows common dialogs without writing a line of
code! You
can dock your Windows Form to bottom, top, left and/or right of the dialog
box and add your own controls in the standard common dialog. Supported
- Open/Save, Vista-style Open/Save,
- OpenDialog with recent files (MRU) list similar to VB6 Open dialog,
- BrowseForFolder,
- Print,
- Color,
- PageSetup;
- Font;
- Find;
- Replace;
- About.

Key features:
- Docked WinForms in your common dialog;
- Design-time support: Dialog Designer;
- Customizable dialog's initial position, icon and items captions;
- Message processing, more events;
- Unique Open/Save dialog features: PlacesBar and file
listview customization (disabling rename/delete commands and
popup menus, grid lines, full row select), etc.

Please visit http://www.componentage.com for details.

In version 3.0:

- New Vista-style Open/Save dialogs (under Vista and Windows 7) can be
customized and extended.

Alex Petrov
ComponentAge Software
2018-12-03 23:33:47 UTC
Hi Alex,
unfortunately componentage.com has expired - is there any way to get in touch? Thank you! Chris